Sunday, October 30, 2011

sorry for the delay with the blog but it wouldn't let me in my blogger account, anyways...

For the last ten years of the montage I would add a few shows to it.
1)  Friends- one of my all time favorite T.V. shows. Ran for a long time and was incredibly funny.
2) Entourage- hands down my favorite show of all time, definitely deserves to be in this montage. One of the shows that helped HBO series' take off. Ran for 8 seasons, and was so popular to the public that it will be made into a movie.
3) The Sopranos- The first HBO series' to get praised by the critics and public. Set the way for shows like Entourage and True Blood. Was extremely controversial, the first of it's kind and truly was one of the best T.V. shows of all time.
4) American Idol- I don't know if this would really qualify for the montage but since I call the shots in this blog it does. Like the Sopranos was the first of it's kind and was loved by just about everyone in the world when it first aired. It is currently in its 9th season.
5) Two and Half Men- Another one of my favorites, has been at the top of the ratings chart since it first aired, and is currently #1 at it's time slot today, even with a change of the main character. The show was basically Charlie Sheen's real life, which is why I found it so funny.
6) House- one of the better drama series on T.V. throughout it's years. Hugh Laurie is the perfect person to portray Dr. House. Still very successful in its 7th season.
7) Desperate Housewives & Grey's Anatomy- They get put together because quite frankly I don't know much about them but during their runs people are always talking about them and they are very successful. They make the montage by popularity default.
8) 24- Another know i really don't know much about but through it's years was critically acclaimed, so I can't ignore it's success. It wouldn't be that successful if it wasn't good.
9) South Park- known for it's crude humor for an animated series. Has been a fixture of this decades popular T.V. shows. In the same conversation for the best animated series of all time.

1 comment:

  1. A great selection of shows
    Friends was in the clips; a few you missed:
    MadMen and West Wing (both received Multiple Emmys)
